Summary: Are you worried that you may soon lose your teeth to damage and decay? Or, has the dental trauma and certain medications damaged the foundation of your teeth? If so, you are not the only one. Around 90% of adults suffer from chips, cracks, cavities, and decay. Everyone loves a pleasant smile and a...
Summary: Is your imperfect smile stopping you from living your life to the fullest? Flawed and imperfect teeth can make your grin unpleasant, making you feel underconfident and insecure. Sometimes, they can also result in chewing difficulties and speech impediments. But what if we told you that you aren’t alone on this journey? Statistics suggest...
Summary: Losing a tooth is inevitable! Around 26% of adults above 65 have lost most of their teeth, which shows the prevalence of this condition. A lost tooth can be a big problem in the long term. It can cause oral issues and make you insecure and underconfident in public spaces. However, thanks to modern...
Summary: Everyone wants the perfect smile; basic restorative dental services can help you achieve that. Restorative dentistry involves oral procedures to enhance your smile, functions, and overall oral health. According to WHO, oral complications affect about 3.5 million people around the globe. These complications include everything from dental carries, teeth misalignment, gum diseases, and broken...